
Outriders metacritic
Outriders metacritic

outriders metacritic

The game is also fairly 1 dimensional in design. But overall, the guns and skills do sound impactful. I also do not care for the sound effects of some skills and weapons. Its not always synced well and has a horrible level control-many times it randomly gets too loud which if wearing headphones is painful. A bit dated when considered in the AAA group of games (which its priced as such). Graphics have moments of being decent but overall, nothing special. Would have complemented this game a lot more. I would have much preferred the ability to jump and crouch and have a more natural, dynamic cover system that does not involve hard latching to walls. You constantly are forced to take stairs or ramps when you should obviously be able to climb up a ledge but cannot. Plus, the cover system is very archaic in design-clunky and actually hurts being agile. The gameplay itself is interesting as it has a cover mechanic system similar to Gears of War but is completely unnecessary since the combat is more aggressive and fast paced.

outriders metacritic

I would almost consider this more of a "Lite" version of this genre to some extent. When it comes to build variety, it's nowhere near the depth of many other looter type games out there. It definitely has potential though as a looter shooter. Ignoring Server Issues, Crashes, and Game Breaking Bugs for the time being, this game is currently only OK. Maybe in the future if it fixes many of its issues and had a price drop to about $40. Ignoring Server Recommend this game?: Currently NO.

Outriders metacritic